

/"I come with grave news, Our kingdom is doomed. I am here upon the Queen's request to ask for help from your king. I-I beg you. Please /"

/"Father, Are all the Kingdom's our enemy ?/" The young Vincent looked up at his father grabbing his thumb and his father looked down upon his son.

/"No,/" He said, his eyes falling to the ground.

/"No Kingdom is our enemy if we respect each other well enough, conflict is only caused due to misunderstandings or opinions one refuses to listen upon/"

The young Vincent blinked his eyes unable to grasp the words of his father, They were way beyond his understandings. He looked ahead at the soldiers training to fight at the borders of their kingdom.

/"I want to be friends with all the Kings!/" His father smiled at his son.

Too young to understand, Too young to judge, Too young to feel the depth of conflict.