

Rose could feel herself get colder and colder more frighten a silence surrounded her ears, The wind had stopped again.

She got the courage to stand over her feet and he turned his face back away from her and started walking. But it wasn't long till she felt her legs go weak suddenly and she held onto a tree and she watched the long black cape he worn glid over the ground as he walked away.

she couldn't do much but watch him leave. A sudden sigh of relief and calmness washed over her.

She somehow knew he was dead himself. The way her gut told her, The way her heart started beating fast. The way her body weakened at a mere sight of this man, She gulped sitting down.

When she noticed mushrooms. She picked one and examined them. Coming to a conclusion that they were indeed edible.

She noticed how the wind was now easy, the faint voices of leaves rustling. She couldn't find a way leading to any humans. The forest was as vast as the ocean