
#Chapter2 Lost

/" Kris! watch out !/" Kyungpook

screamed as he saw the car. in front of them. they had driven on the wrong side of the road too caught up in an argument as always. this wasn’t the first time something like that happened, but Kris would always save them in the last second

this time however it was too late the car had hit them. crashing sounds and cracking glass made the screams inaudible as they felt gravity fail for one moment.

it was suddenly warm.

half of his face was even burning, and he felt something under his jaw. as if something was sticking out of him. making him somehow feel numb as he only heard his racing heart proud into his ears despite thermostat ringing.

he tried to move his head or move anything, but it was too hard.

finally he opened his eyes as much as he could .as he found it unbelievable hard

why does he feel so weak? .

he couldn’t even focus; his vision was unclear everywhere black spots that kept appearing and disappearing.

what is happening?

he noticed that he was laying half on the stone ground the glass all around them. in front of him was another car, with a passed-out woman in . fire, blood and dirt everywhere

he tried to look for Kris but as he tried to move, pain shot through his head and chest.

causing him cry out .

he noticed that he wasn’t able to move his head since something was keeping it in place, and he intended to find out what it was by moving his hands shakingly up glass and dirt sticking out of his arm and hands, but he didn’t notice as he kept scanning his throat

something big and sharp was really sticking out of him. on the side of his throat

it was right between his jaw and chest.

Kyungpook started to panic when he noticed his hand was full of more blood

his vision was getting worse not only by the fat tears in his eyes but also from the dancing blackspots that somehow seemed to eat his vision

/" k-.k.kr... kr../" he tried but he had no voice. only ending up losing air. he coughs more blood and his body screamed in agony painful tears shooting into his eyes .

a few seconds past, when he heard people faintly screaming but he couldn’t see anything ..

his vision turned more and more black, startling the boy even more

he reached to his side . trying to feel if his brother was there, if he was ok./" kr..kr..I..kr..ss/"

once more his voice was beardly heard . and he almost chocked but he didn’t care

/" Help them quick! get out of there!! /" He heard more screams as he felt himself getting sleepy. but he didn’t dare let himself fall asleep now

/" Kyungpook./" he finally heard a response from his brother and his eyes shot wide open again .but to no use everything was so dark .he could beardly see anything only little light shapes moving and the still burning fire between their car and the car of the woman

/" Fuck!. Kyungpook!/" finally he saw Kris appearing in front of him panic in the elders voice.

Kyungpook tried to swallow and breath slow. he was afraid that he might suffocate of his blood or that thing stuck in him.

/" Kyungpook !../" Kris called him again with watery eyes .as he looked around in panic./" help! someone !/" Kris tried to get closer to Kyungpook, but they were stuck. the car seemed suddenly so small. too small. glass moving as Kris shifted trying desperately to get to his little brother.

/" kr..kr..ss/" Kyungpook repeated his vision turning darker by the seconds. and was now almost black not even the shapes of anything could be seen now but he blinked hoping it would return

/" Shit !/" Kris screamed .just before everything turned black. he felt weight on him and another loud crash sound banging through his head. before he felt like sliding away on the ground

slowly he opened his eyes again .

this time ..

black .. total darkness .. so he closed them again , confused . noticing the eye crust he had . he hated that . it’s disgusting and annoying .

trying to get it away he moved his hand up to his face but got held off by a mask or something he was connected to . confused he weakly examined it, trying to find out what it is .

/" Easy there kido.. /" He heard someone and instantly his eyes shut open again and he flinched back . looking around . but he was surrounded by darkness .the peeping in his right ear getting louder and faster .

/" Calm down ../" again .

feeling how his strength returned he moved a little up removing the mask .on his face . he also noticed that there were some things on his hands and something heavy on his legs .

he blinked several times trying to see what was going on . but everything was black .

/" Calm down you'll only hurt yourself/"

he blinked once again .

/" who's-/" he stopped talking when the pain shot through his throat and head . he instantly held his neck in pain .

/" Yeah .. told you so . idiot /"

/" k-Kai ?/" he asked confused . this time his voice was quiet, and he kept the grip on his neck .

/" Yeah .. obviously . don’t you recognize me ? have you lost your memory now ?/"

/" No-.. I .. I can’t . I can’t see you /" Kyungpook told him in panic trying to move his pupils, hoping that it was all just a bad dream .

he could hear Kai rise from his chair .

/" kr. Kris ? /" Kyungpook asked . knowing that Kai would never come to visit him so Kris must be here as well .

he heard a deep sigh and footsteps coming closer

so he decided to stand up too .

feeling with his hands ,where the bed ended he slowly swung his weak feet over and tried to stand up without thinking . his feet couldn’t take the weight and he collapsed fore ward . landing half on something cold but soft .

/" Kyungpook !/" he heard Kai call shocked .

but the shorter ignored him .

he hissed holding his bandaged neck as he felt the bed he had half landed on .

the cold lifeless hand he had felt when he fell onto it .

feeling fore ward up the arm and back to the hand . his eyes got watery .. he had landed on the neighbor bed .of a hospital . Kyungpook was in a hospital . and the bed he had landed on was Kris's bed . the cold lifeless hand he felt was Kris .

/" Kris .. /" He said calm as a tear rolled down his cheek

/" Kris? .. hey /"he shocks the hand

/" wake up .. we'll be late ..you wanted to have lunch with me ..

let's eat lunch! /" The younger squeezed the cold hand desperately /"Kris !!/" he suddenly screamed as more tears rolled

down his cheeks . his neck was on fire, but he didn’t care .

Kyungpook ../" he felt Kai come closer

/" Kris !!.. answer me !/" Kyungpook was now dispersedly shaking Kris .

/" Kyungpook ../" he felt Kais hand on his back

/" No !.. Kris !! Kris !!/" he screamed with all the strength he had left . the pain in his neck becoming stronger and stronger. he didn’t care he didn’t fuck care he wanted Kris to hug him and comfort him .he wanted to see his brother smile .and he wanted it right now !

eventually Kai pulled him away .

/" let me go !don’t touch me !/" he screamed around and heard the doors open again . but that was the last before he felt too tired to move anymore .

----1 week later ---

after Kyungpook found out that he was in a coma for 1 month and that Kris was too . and still is,

he always got to Kris side and wouldn’t move away even if they tried to force him .

Kai told then that its fine . but Kyungpook would also resist sleep and he needed sleep for his recovery .

Kai entered the hospital. he just finished work and was going to visit the 2 brothers he missed his friend as well, but it was sometimes painful to watch the younger brother sleep on the cold hand .or just stare emotionless into the distance .

he entered the room. slowly and closed the door behind him . having flowers in his hands which he placed on the table .

/" Those stupid things you bring wont wake him up /"

/" You not sleeping, wont either /" Kai answered keeping his faint smile

/" that’s none of your business /"

Kyungpook blinked , he still hasn’t gotten used to see nothing but black . it was annoying. and weird he hated it .

/" You need help or anything ?/" Kai also sat down .

Kyungpook lowered his head slowly in pain , he didn’t want Kai to see his eyes staring into thin air .again

/" As if I need help from you /" snapping the younger tried to keep his shield.

/" You know you don’t have to be so mean and all , I’m just trying to help /"

/" Yeah play the angel here , now that my brothers in a fucking coma .. and I can't do anything /" he deservedly got louder

/" What do you want to possibly do ?/"

Kyungpook chuckled weak at that

/" Exactly . what could a blind idiot do ? ../"

/" that’s not what I meant /" the elder muttered

/" I don’t care what you meant.. /"

/" Well, what do you mean then /"

/" As if you'd care . you're only here out of pity .. /"

/" that’s not true .. I’m here because I miss him just as much as you do !/"

Kyungpook chuckled once again

/" do whatever you want .. it's all screwed in the end anyway /" Kyungpook simply said .

and Kai didn’t really understand what the younger meant by that .

after time past in a painful silence and Kai couldn’t hold himself anymore he fell asleep


Kai stretched himself as he yawned . that’s right . he was still at the hospital .

he opened his eyes expecting to see a dead glare of Kyungpook , but he didn’t instead he found Kyungpook sleeping on Kris hand. his hands and head towering the bigger Hand of his elder brother

something about that boy the last few days .made Kai look at him differently . sure, he still hated the boy for being disrespectful and always bullying people . but also, he didn’t really know much of Kyungpook, all he knew is that he was Kris’s brother and ever since their parents left to start a new life , Kris raised Kyungpook by himself . it must've been hard for both of them .

he stood up and grabbed the blanket of Kyungpook bed and cover him with it . it was hard because of all the wires that Kyungpook was still connected to .

as he turned back he suddenly saw a few papers on Kyungpook bed.

'Rental agreement.... foreclosure' frowning he bit his lip .

they didn’t pay the rent of Kris and Kyungpook flat ..

the next paper

'cafe noise cake ... fired. .. fired '

Kai sighed at that . that’s why Kyungpook was having this especially bad moody . he couldn’t even read the papers and asking someone to read them and hearing it from them must be double hit .

ok ok what to do .. Kyungsoo's going to be released in a few weeks but where does he go then? ..

he hated to admit it .

but when he looks at Kyungpook and Kris he just knows ..

of Corse he's going to take the boy in. why not, he only hated the boy ..

but Kris would want Kai to do it .