A Normal Date

#Chapter27 A Normal Date

days turned to weeks

weeks to 1 month

and finally Kyungpook was allowed to leave the hospital ..

under one condition.

that he changes his bandages , and in his case lets someone change his bandages .no more damage was left .except few a few new scars and also a few bruises that still needed to heal .

Jongin walked with Kyungpook out of the hospital

/" freedommm !!!/" Kyungpook yelled not holding his voice back causing the elder to chuckle

/" glad to see the never emberessd side of you /"

/" well honey let’s not throw around too many compliments /" he smiled. Jongin leaned down and kissed his temple

/" for you there can never be too many /"

/" sappy ./" the shorter rolled his eyes

/" where's your car ?/"

/" Do you want me to carry you ?/"

/" And you think I never get embarrassed /"