Not Fine

#Chapter28 Not Fine

he woke up feeling something warm against his forehead

something moving .

but he didn’t care cause his headache was fucking killing him. releasing a quiet groan he felt arms around him pulling him deeper into a warm embrace

/" Good morning my cute little baby/" Jongin whispered into Kyungpook head .

/" Jongin ../"he whinnied /" I’m dying/"

the elder chuckled at that /"hangover /"

/" that’s not funny !/" he whinnied once more hitting Jongin on the chest.

/" I’m sorry /" although he kept his grin he shifted in the bed and helped the shorter sit up .

/" Here ./" he handed him the painkillers which Kyungpook gladly took along with the glass of water .

/" Oh what a lovely caring boyfriend I have /" Kyungpook exhaled . leaning back against the warm chest of his lover .

/" Kyungpook ,../" Jongins voice suddenly changed into a concerned one .

/" mh?/" the younger frowned