A Ringing

#Chapter47 A Ringing

he felt the bed shift and arms wrap around him from the back as he opened his eyes again .

they've been lying in bed for at least an hour now . in silent neither of them seeming to fall asleep .

so Kyungpook now turned around being sure that he was now facing the older .with open eyes .

/" what’s on your mind ?/" he whispered moving a hand under his head

/" How did you ?/" Jongin didn’t sound quite sure making the other smirk .

/" you're not snoring . so you're awake /" both laughed quietly at that .

Jongin pulled him closer .

/" You should sleep , the day was exhausting enough /"

he only sighed at that ./" you should too but here we are both laying here for an hour /"

/" Are you thinking about Kris ?/" the taller probably heard the desperation in his own voice .

he nodded biting his lip