#Chapter2 My Chances
I couldn’t believe that I felt actually happy once school was done .
the talk with Jongin somehow stayed in my head and I couldn’t stop thinking about him for the next couple of classes .I wondered if he would still think about me too or if I was already forgotten
it wouldn’t surprise me if that was the case though
what made me think the most was what Jongin had said , I don't know but one thing was for sure
it seems like it wasn't all as perfect as I imaged .it sounded more like Jongin was tired of it as well .
which meant that Jongin probably wasn't that much of an asshole as the others if he really meant it . or am I just imagining this
because I want it to be like that ? because I literally only had a talk for no more than 5 minutes and start judging him .
/" you've been smiling a lot /" Baekhyun appeared out of nowhere and I tread my eyes away from the diner door .
yes I had been thinking about that idiot on the way here and when I got dressed into my working clothes and even when I stood here taking orders .and serving-
/" shit /" I cursed as I saw the plates that were supposed to be served .
Baekhyun only chuckled as I moved around serving the plates .that I forgot
once I was done I returned to my original spot behind the counter .
/"Thanks for the help by the way/" I panted lightly, and he smiled apo logic making me smile slightly as well .
/" So what have you been spacing out about ?/" he moved his eyebrows in a weird rhythm that now made me smile weirded out .
but it quick faded as one of the customers looked at me signalising that he probably wanted to pay .
/" hold on /"
I walked over to the costumer and gave him the bill as I took the money .and said my goodbyes .before I returned to Baekhyun once again .raising my eyebrows for him to continue
/" So as I was saying-/"
/" wait another second .. em could you step to the side?/" I smiled apo logic as I saw a costumer entering and waiting to order.
I took the menu and walked over to her.
/" Hello .. welcome, would you like to order drinks already ?/" I asked politely giving her a smile
/" Yes I'd like an orange Jongin /"
my heart stopped and I looked at her ,as my smile faded. with my eyebrows almost meeting each other in the middle .did I hear correctly??
/" w-what?/"
she chuckled
/" I said I'd like to have an orange juice /"
oh my god am I being serious right now
/" oh y-yeah yes of Corse sorry /" chuckling nervously I returned to behind the counter and filled a glass with juice .
but about that .. am I going crazy now ? I shook my head and blinked several times until the glass was filled and I walked past Baekhyun to place it on the table with the woman .as I got a pen and something to write out .
/"what would you like to order ?/"
taking her orders I walked back once more .feeling how Baekhyun was still following me .
moments like those really made me feel bad .because I really like spending time with my best friend but in school we can't and not even here we can.
I mentally groaned when I saw a guy finished with eating which meant he probably wanted to pay.
so I started to walk again
another costumer enters and I grabbed the menu .ringing the bell as I hung the paper with the order for Yixing the cook onto the little window to the kitchen .
/" I'm really sorry Baekhyun I’ll be there in a sec./" I said in a sorry tone as I continued walking around .
it was tiring but at least the costumers were nice .and the thought of Yixing .working just as hard in the kitchen somehow gave me strength because that meant that I wasn't the only one .
/" Kyungsoo /"
and finally I stopped behind the counter looking over the guests.
/" can't you take a break ?/" Baekhyun pouted as he had already taken a seat there .
I only chuckled at him
/" I just started working Baekhyun/"
/" Kyungsoo the eggs !/" it rang from the kitchen, and I turned around grabbing the plates with eggs as I started moving around again .
that lasted for a while, and I was thankful that Baekhyun decided to wait for me .it was always like that . some days I had more time to talk to him while on other days like today I had almost none .
but when things finally settled I could turn to Baekhyun as I released a breath . I grabbed another glass filling it with water and placing it in front of him.
/" sorry /"
however he just rolled his eyes acting mad. but I’ve been through that more times so I just sighed adjusting my glasses .
/" stop sulking little puppy I'm sorry /"
he turned back to me and rolled his eyes
/" I have the feeling this is getting worse with your stupid job /"
I chuckled at that washing over the counter .
/" it’s just a feeling /"
/" Ya ya /" he waved his hand deferentially and took a sip of the water .
that’s when the bell rang
/" Kyungsoo ,/"
/" yah /" annoyed I answered grabbing the next plate .
it’s been busy these days .probably because it was now moving to the end of this school year, so a lot of families come to visit .every shop notice that .
unfortunately it has been busy longer days and around evening everything cooled down a little and less people were here, so I got to Baekhyun once more .
/" beak... I'm really .. sorry /" I panted a little .well could you blame me ? I was running around in circles the whole time.I would say a break helped me, but my stepfather didn't give me any breaks because I was the only waiter in this stupid diner and Yixing was the only cook. poor guy probably has it even worse.being in that heat hole the whole time .
Baekhyun only spared me a short glace as he played some game on his phone .he had started playing that while I was still busy .
/" Well are you done now ?/"
I swallowed at that nodding slowly /" if no new costumers come /"
in instand he turned back to his phone, and I chuckled amused
/" come on beak I'm kidding /"
however he ignored me once more causing me to roll my eyes .as I rested my head on my palm for a short break .
/" I would really like to tell my best friend why I spaced out earlier but unfortunately-/" trailing off looking around the room to add drama to my acting
/" Fine whatever ../" he sighed finally, acting as if he didn't really care which only made me smile once more..
I looked around and only saw Yixing at the window also listening as he winked at me assuring that it was fine
/" go on don't worry I'm not even here /"
I giggled at that .starting my story for both to hear
/" OK at lunch break earlier I met someone special.. /"
/" Who?/" both spoke together and I hesitated .should I actually tell them ? I mean Yixing would surely fanboy around and Baekhyun would never leave me alone then .but then again he told me he liked Chanyeol and Yixing only still works here because I'm literally going to be alone if he leaves as well .
/" Jongin /"
at that Baekhyun almost chocked on his own spitt as Yixing just raised an eyebrow at it
/" wait .. the Kim Jongin ? who owns this huge company !?/"
I nodded proudly as I answered Yixing’s question .
turning to my high school friend I found him gagging at me .I chuckled at that and closed his open mouth .
/". tell me . every. little. detail /"
/" there's not much to tell I only ate my apple and then he came and../" wait .the things he told me weren’t really official out .no one actually knew about this so was it even OK to say it ?? /" We talked that’s it /"
Baekhyun let his hands floop onto the table.
/" we talked what is that I said details boI detailzzz /"
I rolled my eyes at that ready to defend but luckily Yixing came to the unneeded rescue
/" some things ./" he answered for me /" it’s actually none of our business . when lovers have a talk /"
my head snapped at the last few words, and I turned to him with one raised eyebrow .
/" we are not lovers /"
/" yet /"
/" Baekhyun!/" I don't know why this made me feel the slightest angry .I just know it’s impossible.and after the talk I had with him just that short stupid little talk made me realize that I really don't know him at all .he was so different than from his image .
he talked nice, and his voice was soft .he sounded more lost than confident or anything else.
besides that .
/"he doesn’t even know my name/"
once more the boy sitting in front of me started coughing as the men in the kitchen just laughed.
/" that’s cute /"
/" No its not !/" Baekhyun raised his voice /" why didn't you tell him your name how is he supposed to remember you now !?/"
/" Not at all .he probably hasn’t even seen my face /"
a deep heavy sigh by Baekhyun followed and I could tell he was in rage ./" well you did a pretty good job in getting forgotten easily !./" he yelled at me while Yixing chuckled .
/" It was a short, tiny conversation he would have forgotten about it anyway .. even if he knew my name and my ugly excuse of a face /"
I heard a few steps and soon noticed Yixing passing by me to go and sit beside Baekhyun
this guy , he's older than us .an adult yet he somehow appears like he's my second-best friend .
/" you're always beating yourself up lately, /"
he looks at me with those eyes
I hate that look I really do, it’s that worried , pity expression and it somehow makes me angry .but I didn't dare say something because anger is the worst feeling you could have because its way harder to hide and it doesn’t only hurt you but also the ones around you .
Baekhyun turned to him now too as he inhaled deep /" it’s because he's in love-/"
/" I am not in love ,/" I threw my hands in the air /" I don't even know him .. all I know is that his name is Kim jong in ,that his eyes are exactly chocolate brown, that his jawline is amazing , that he likes chicken , that he always has that half smirk which he sometimes doesn’t even notice he has. that when he's in his uniform the white of his hair fit so perfectly. and when he plays football he always looks after the other .keeping his enemie in sight but also having an eye out for his team to protect them whenever he can and God .. his laugh is like music./"
it was awkwardly quiet after that and I swallowed hard as I noticed myself.. how I literally fanboyed about him here .I don't even know how I knew so much I mean ..
do I really like him ? he doesn’t even know me and .. oh god .
why ? why so suddenly I always tried to ignore him so why am I crushing now .this is so weird .
but I mean its Jongin a lot of people crush on him.
/" shit /" I cursed when I see their grins they share with each other
/" this is the last thing I need .. I don't want to be heartbroken /"
pathetic how I whined like a baby stroking over my face as I layed it down onto the table .
/" who says you're going to be heartbroken ? /" Baekhyun tried as he strokes over my head but I only whimperd in response .
/" What else would I be ? I’ve seen enough of those dramas .. I won't be able to stop thinking about him for months probably longer.. no I can never get over this since I always see him in school walking through the halls /"
/" who said you have to get over this I mean Jongin doesn’t even know you why don't you give him a chance to know you ? I mean you said you had a talk with him and after your spacing out all the time it couldn’t possibly have been that bad. /" Yixing also joined as he looked over me and I raised my head at that .not because his words helped me but because they made me more desired .
/" Are you insane ? know me ? why on earth would anyone want to know me ? I'm diner boy, shorty, freaksoo kyunghoe and whatever .look at me I look like I came straight from a horror movie while he looks like prince charming. he gets loved and everyone looks up to him while I-/"
/" stop it Kyungsoo you almost sound like your brother /" surprise washed over me as Baekhyun said that but I just sighed again as I layed my head down .
/" If I would talk to him they would all laugh at me and I’ll be a more funny target for them I'm already hiding because of the diner boy situation ./" it was true though .ever since people found out about me working here .they always called me diner boy until I started hiding myself. and they kind of forgot . or found a new victim but 'diner boy' time was one of the hardest times and I do not want to have such a time again .
/" Well you don't have to be talking to him in front of
the other .you said you talked to him-/"
/" hold on /" I excused myself with a sigh as I spotted one of the customers ready to pay .so I walked over to him giving him the bill .
he looked at me strangely .and I looked to the side weirded out .
/" You ok sir ?/"
he smirked at me traveling his eyes from my head to my toes
before he nodded and layed the money down
/" yeah /" his voice somehow made me shiver. and I swallowed .
not being able to say any other word as he stood up and left the shop . I don't know why I couldn’t move for the next second . I just found the wall interessting .
no I did not his smile creeped me out .and didn't want to leave my head .
I shoved that feeling back and grabbed the money heading back to Yixing and Baekhyun ,who I found arguing again .
/" Guys .. /" I rolled my eyes at them
/" guys !/" finally their head snapp to me .and Yixing let his hands fall from the argument .
/" what's the problem now ?/"
/" He said that it’s important to get to know the person without mistery /" Baekhyun defended obviously trying to bring me on his side .but I did not understand one thing of what that was supposed to mean .
somehow it was Yixing who understood that I did not understand ./" he wants you to talk to him on the masquerade ball /"
/" What ?/" I turned to my highschool friend.
/" Well I was thinking because everyone is masked there so no one will judge you buy you're popularity or whatever everyone's going to be prince and-/"
/" princess ya ya I know. but I already told you that I am not going /" I leaned closer to say the next part without making a scene
/" And about me crushing on Jongin . that’s all just fantasy .. there’s no chance so I’ll better forget it ..I'm not really his type anyway .. and now the topic is finished .I don't want to talk about that anymore /" turning back to one of the tables as I saw a guy entering I smeared a smile on my face and played it off .
I knew I needed to forget about Jongin. it’s the best .