I don't Love You

#Chapter15 I don't Love You

/" just one more /" Seungsoo whined as he posed in front of the tree in the mall .

I just rolled my eyes sighing heavily .. how can a person just want to have so many pictures of themselves on their phone .

today seems to be the day .. I didn't ask Seungsoo to go to the mall with me because I wanted to make thousands of photos just of him .

I asked him out because I made a decision .. finally.

/" Seungsoo , I need to talk to you/" I finally spoke after I took another few photos .

/" yeah yeah just take ano-/"

/" Seungsoo /" I was getting really really tired of him .

he turned his eyes from the camera to me frowning .as if he was about to be angry at me .. again of Corse .

/" I'm serious .. I didn't ask you to meet me just to take some stupid photos with you I'm done Seungsoo /"

his eyebrows formed even more into a confused position almost meeting each other in the middle