Stupid For Too Long

#Chapter16 Stupid For Too Long

/" Jongin !/" Kyungsoo scolded me as I ate another spoon of the delicious blue cream .well we already smeared all the cream we needed onto the cake all we have to do it decorate it with glitter and put the barbie in, that it looked like the cake was her dress .so we could as well just eat the rest .

/" sorry /" I chuckled apo logic as he tried not to smile and hit me hard on my upper arm .

/" Ah .. that hurts! /"

/" your stupidly hurts !/"

/" Mean!/"

/" Honest !/"

I guess he didn't expect what I did next as I smeared the rest of the cream on my spoon onto his cheek . he gasped stepping back and I raised my eyebrows half smirking .

/" Seriously ?/"

/" unserious-/"I couldn’t finish because he took a full spoon and sticked it to my face . making not only my nose and eyes turn blue but also my cheekbones and chin .

I removed the spoon as I heard him chuckling again ...