Here With You

#Chapter50 Here With You

/" she was a good cook , she liked baking and we did that a lot .. even though I really really suck at it /" he chuckled by the end of his sentense and I returned it with a small giggle as I played with his finger .

I was sitting on his lap but facing his chest and leaning my cheek against his shoulder while I listened to him talk to me .

/" I haven’t really seen or talked to her in forever because of that shit .. and of Corse I missed her but I never really missed her this much ..but now knowing that its official that she’s dead, I'm missing her to death ./"

he sighed heavily and I leaned back to look at his teary eyes .

I smiled holding his cheek as if to say that I am still here .

/" i-i've missed y-you t-too..

so m-much it hu-urt /" I whispered trying my hardest with my shaky voice that I haven’t used for too long.