Take My Heart

#Chapter73 Take My Heart

I opened my eyes slowly to the bright light I’ve been pretty familiar with .

and when I heard the peeping I was sure I was in the hospital again .

so I blinked a few times at my dry eyes, they were burning slightly and it didn't surprise me after all the crying I did .

not daring to rub my burning eyes I slowly sat up with half opened eyes scanning my body under the white blankets and my hands in front of me being bandged halfway, my fingers were red and the skin was peeling off on some spots. but I wasn't in pain . there were also some needles in my arm and a plastic thing was clipped to my index finger .

/" don't worry you're safe now ../" my head shot to the side and I flinched back seeing Yixing sitting beside my bed . pain overtaking my legs as I moved and I whimperd to myself but didn't stop moving as I tried to get out of the bed but Yixing held me back .