
#Chapter74 Necklace

/" Jongin .. if you didn't donate your heart for me

then who did ?/" I asked and his frown dropped being replaced with ..

I don't even know how to explain it .

he looked sad but at the same time he didn't . he looked blank .

/" I knew you would eventually ask ... sometimes I wish it had been me but then I'm really gratefully that it hasn’t been me and I still get the chance to live with you /"

he looked down and now he was definitly sad

/" it’s not beak nor chan right ?/" I was quite scared to ask but relieved when Jongin shock his head .

he gently moved me foreword and got off the bed leaving me sitting there on the empty bed now . and when he walked around I felt the panic and fear of being taken again take over me .

/" Jongin !/" I crawled towards his direction whimpering at the pain and fear

/" baby , relax I’ll be right back /"