

Epilogue Perfect

/" sh sh .. /" I was rocking him back.

and forth as he took heavy ragged breaths .

/" it’s ok .. its ok look I'm here/"

he backed off slightly as I whispered that and I whipped over his wet cheeks before moving his hair back from his forehead only to let it fall back onto it .

/" you ok now ?/" he didn't dare look up at me as he took deep inhales to calm himself .

/" hey .. /" I titled his chin up and kissed his nose making him smile slightly .before he looked behind me to see the time

I followed his eyes


/" I'm sorry .. I keep waking you /" he muttered playing with his hands which was so cute I couldn’t help but pull him closer and lay back down with a chuckle

/" I told you that its ok, I want you to always wake me when something is wrong, got it /"

I felt him sigh against my bare chest before I placed a kiss there

/" got it /"