It dosen't matter, except it does

#Chapter18 It dosen't matter, except it does


They were at a werewolf pack. Minhee is the daughter of the Alpha.

The Alpha gave them a map to find baekhyun

The map Lead 2 ways so they had to Split up JG×JD, KS×CY

JG×JD Lead to nothing

KS×CY Lead to a seeer

KS Made a deal with the seeer to save JGs life

The deal was that KS had to give his voice (*and not defend or run away until jondae has talked to him about the rest of it all )

[*I indirectly wrote it to have happened like that]

((( they also came across fauns.

Sehun was the leader since his husband was missing (luhan), who also went after baekhyun so sehun suggested that he can have someone(lay) guide them the way so they could help each other. )))

Turns out. JD had talked to minhee before and they came up with the plan for all this to overpower the alpha.