Unknown Ability

#Chapter19 Unknown Ability



Left the werewolf pack to go to the fauns. There sehun(leader of the fauns) let xuimin (faun) take care of kyungsoos wounds (cause he got beaten by the alpha who wanted him to read a chany to make her immortal.)

While JG went with sehun to compare the maps leading to baekhyun.

JD was left behind in the werewolf pack due to his injury and ''betrayal/" as he went behind everyone's back trusting the daughter rof the alpha and continuing with it even after KS lost his voice and almost life.

'' hey.. /" i smiled little seeing kyungsoo sitting up, awake, my eyes briefly fell to chanyeol, who I noticed had gotten up from besides him as soon as I entered.

'' everything ok ?/" I frowned lightly at them when it almost felt like I had interrupted something.

'' yeah .. yeah he just /" chanyeol inhaled looking behind me, probably at sehun and yixing '' he just woke up /"