Hesistant Question

#Chapter33 Hesistant Question

All air seemed to leave kyungsoo as he stared at him still silent and frozen with a frown as if he was waiting for jongin to repeat it and let him know he had heard wrong but jongin just blinked almost sadly down to his sword.

/" why ?/" The shorter finally managed to ask a little more quiet then he probably should've to appear strong or as if he didnt care.

/" she has experience.. she needs a new home, shes wise and familiar with royalty... shes kind and-/"

/" no.. no she seems kind and wise and .. and..- you have just met her 3 days ago ?? Are you trying to make a fool out of me again ? Do you want me to hit you like I hit your servant !?/"

Kyungsoo stepped closer almost outraged but he sounded more desperate and confused then anything but mad. Maybe it was because he was hoping it was a joke.. and he didnt know why he cared so much.