#Chapter34 The Kings Love
♡Takes place right after
JG and solin left♡
/" I must be damned /" jongdae panted as he stepped back, raising his wooden sword again when kyungsoo yelled swinging his own at him again only to have him raise it too and block it before receiving a kick by the siren, making him stumble back even further again
/" shut up!/" Kyungsoo fixed his stance to glare at him as they were currently outside on the training field.
/" ok .. ok you're angry, I know.. but it has been so long ago how can you still be mad-/" he couldnt finish talking when kyungsoo had already swung his wooden sword at him again turning a couple of times when jongdae managed to block each one of them.
If jongdae had really been trying to fight back, it wouldnt have taken him long to defeat him. But he knew better than to. He didnt want to either.