

Kirito was going down, into the depth and looking above. He could see a depressing yellow tint in the water, he couldn't hear anything. He opened his mouth as he decided to clench on the ropes of his brain but there was nothing but water.

His head was throbbing—— Ready to explode. He could see a faint memory of his childhood present before him. A near—death drowning experience he had managed to escape was coming to haunt him again. But just like that time, he could see a saviour coming towards him.

Though it wasn't a blonde head.

The next thing he remembered was coughing his lungs beside the little pool of his. Vivian was sitting beside him, dressed in her undergarments.

After he felt more comfortable and was back to his senses, he noticed her attire.

/"What are you wearing?/" Kirito looked at her.

/"Mom said I can show you my skin since you're my husband./" Vivian winked.

/"Aren't you embarrassed at all?/"