

/"Not at all,/" He interwove her fingers with hers /"I don't consider this a marriage./"

/"So, you haven't slept with her yet?/" She asked.

/"Nope. Why? You jealous, Erika?/"

She laughed and took a sip of Kirito's drink.

/"I don't understand it. Why couldn't I marry someone of my choice? Why did my dad decide it for me? Which century are we living in again?/" Kirito complained. He ranted on and on for a while but she seemed uninterested however. She interrupted him while he was still speaking his mind /"How about tonight?/" She asked.

Kirito looked at her but then the bartender said /"You shouldn't. You're married now. It's wrong./"

/"Does it look like I care?/" Kirito got up. She gave a dirty look to the bartender, then followed Kirito.

The bartender watched them leave and started cleaning the glasses.

/"I should be more stubborn./" He mumbled to himself.

