

/"The house is a mess, the dishes aren't done yet. Seriously, do real work. Stop wasting time. Also, I forgot a file. Find it for me/" He ordered.

/"I'll get it to your office./"

/"Do you think I'll let you enter there? I don't wanna become a piece of mockery. Just find the file—— Do what you're told/" She went into the bedroom and looked through his cupboard.

Meanwhile, Kirito looked at the scissors and threw them inside the dustbin.

/"Hiomi/" Vivian held the file in her hands /"This is it, right?/"

He snatched the file from her hands and walked out. She watched him leave and got back to work.

Later that afternoon , Kirito sat inside the conference room, thinking to himself. People were discussing a new plan while he just sat and looked at the glass kept in front of him.

/"Are you crazy? How will you find that?!/" Someone shouted but he was still mentally in a world elsewhere.

/"They asked for one so I——/"