

/"Then, that much should be enough for you./" He smirked.

/"It is. Just having you beside me, with your hand in mine... i have my entire world into my arms. I want you to feel that feeling./"

He pulled his hand away from her /"You say some epic bullshit sometimes./"

/"It isn't bullshit./"

/"I don't like it so shut up. I decide what I want to talk about or if at all I want to talk. Also, I don't want you./" He got up and slammed the bedroom's door.

She fell on the bed again and closed her eyes /"Well, if not him—— At least I have his scent/" She muffled her face into the pillow. Her eyes seemed dead. She wanted to be happy but that seemed so difficult.

Slowly, dawn took over. Vivian slowly opened her eyes and looked aside. Kirito was sleeping on a chair, with his head pressed on the bed. The dim morning light penetrated through the window.

/"Hiomi.../" She got up. Then she looked at the beer cans laying on the floor.