

'I wonder what Kirito's doing. I'll make something good for dinner today'

/"Sir, Mr Kurosava and Mr Tanabe are here,/" The Secretary informed Kirito who was looking into a file. It was late evening, about nine.

/"Sure, send them in./" He closed the file. The Secretary bowed and left the room. After a while, Mr Kurosava and his personal assistant, Mr Tanabe, entered the room.

/"Hello uncle./" Kirito seemed uninterested.

/"Hey, Kirito. How's everything?/" He asked as tea was laid on the table. They sat down and made themselves comfortable on the couch.

/"I heard you got a new German model at your agency,/" Mr.Kurosava took a sip of the tea.

/"Yeah./" Kirito chuckled nervously.

/"Make sure to introduce her to me./"

/"Not again, Mr Kurosava/" Tanabe started laughing.

/"Yeah I mean, it's rare to find beauty and talent together./" Mr Kurosava laughed.

/"That's true/" Kirito took a sip of the tea.