

/"I don't know what you're talking about/"

/"You know damn well! Stop the pretense!/" He grabbed her collar and pulled her up. She looked into his eyes.

/"So, that's how characterless I am in your eyes./"

/"You're worse. You haven't seen yourself from my eyes./"

He left her collar and stomped into the bedroom. He slammed the door and left her sitting on the cold floor.

'I'm getting used to this and I guess it's bad' She got up and heard another doorbell.

/"Yes?/" She said as she opened the door and looked at the meek man in front of him.

/"Is Kirito home?/" He asked.

/"Yes, he is. Who might you be, sir?/" Vivian asked.

/"I'm Keta Tanabe, the personal assistant of Mr. Ellois Carter Kurosava. Kirito forgot his phone at the office today so I came here to return it./" He handed the phone to Vivian.

/"Thank you. Why don't you come in, Mr Tanabe? I just prepared the dinner/" She offered with a smile.