

/"It's really nice sir. I regret that I couldn't meet you on my very first day though/" Fudou replied.

/"I was busy that day/"

/"I know. I heard you had your marriage coming up back then so naturally you would be busy. How's your wife, sir? I hope you're living a happy married life——/"

/"See you later, Fudou. You just killed my motivation to talk to you./" Kirito swiftly walked by him.

/"Sir?/" Fudou was confused.

/"Good morning, Mr Hiomi/" An old lady greeted Kirito.

/"Good morning, Mrs Ochao/" Kirito smiled.

/"You look happy today. I hope your wife always keeps that smile over your face./"

/"Thanks—— I've gotta go. Bye/"

/"Hi Kirito/"

/"How's your wife sir?/"

/"Sir your wife must be really pretty!/"

/"Happy marriage, sir!/"