

/"Is he gonna stay this way?/" Ethan asked as he looked at Mr Hiomi who was frozen. Ethan's hands and feet were bandaged.

/"I don't know. I don't even know how it happened/" Vivian said. /"Just what the hell are you?/" Ethan asked and Vivian chuckled nervously.

He looked outside. The clouds weren't moving and neither was the traffic. Everything was quiet. It was like the whole world had stopped. Everything was a stone, except them.

He stood at the balcony and looked outside. /"It's so quiet. Somehow, I love it/" Ethan said. Vivian stood behind him /"Everything has changed. From slums to cities and then to a golden civilisation, bringing golden azure. I don't want to see what's next/"

Vivian quietly came beside him and stood beside him. The glass pieces crushed beneath their boots. He took a deep breath as he closed his eyes and shivered from the cold.

/"Please don't find me,/" He said.