


/"Why don't you realize the shit you are dealing with is real?! And the person you're dealing with is dead!/" Slowly, veins began appearing on his neck to his face /"If she stays with me, she'll turn crazy like me too—— And if she dies because of me, will you replace her too——/"

/"ETHAN!/" Mr Hiomi shouted and Kirito came back to his senses. He grasped for breath and covered his eyes. He shouted and got up.

He picked up the chair and threw it on the balcony door. He picked up the other chairs and threw them in the kitchen. /"Leave me alone!/" He shouted as he threw all the crockery on the floor.

Mr Hiomi stood behind the sofa and watched him go berserk /"Oh no, here it comes./"

Suddenly, he stopped and fell on the broken glass pieces. He began crying and suddenly started laughing. /"That's right! I'm dead! Who the fuck cares when you're dead!/" He shouted as he looked at the ceiling with his eyes wide.