

/"I won't leave you here./" Ethan said while she looked at his ears and his trimmed bangs. /"What's this? Did someone cut your hair——/" She suddenly saw the implants.

She quietly squeezed him /"Ethan, you need to leave this place. The sooner the better/"

/"I can just go with the flow—/"

/"Only dead fish go with the flow. You aren't dead, you still got blood in your heart/"

/"I was usually quiet after that,/" Ethan said as Vivian sat beside him. /"The implants were strongly drugged. I didn't feel hungry anymore and I didn't feel like playing either. I just used to lie on garbage dumps all day. I couldn't express my emotions anymore. I tried but I couldn't.

Even smiling was hard. I turned emotionless. And because I turned emotionless, I got anxious—— /"Am I going to stay this way forever?/"—— is what bothered me the most.