

/"I ran back,/" Ethan said. His voice was getting sharper as he spoke. He seemed a bit restless, as if hurrying up and finishing all the narration. Words forcefully gushed out of his mouth /"I ran to mom. He saw me and asked me how I came back/"

/"You brat!/" Ruso said as he threw Ethan away from his mom /"We sold you! Don't show your face to us again!/"

/"Ina! I came back for you!/" Ethan said as Parhi looked at him. Ruso grabbed her hair /"So you're the reason! Can you do anything except being a block in the way of my son's happy life!/" He said and moved to the kitchen.

He picked a knife and walked towards her.

/"Ina!/" Ethan shouted.

/"Finally/" She said with a smile and turned towards Ethan /"I love you, Ethan/" He slit her throat.

/"Ina!/" Ethan shouted as he ran towards her and she fell on the floor /"Ina! Ina! Ina! Don't go! Ina!/"