


Kurosava sat inside the ballroom of the mansion, with a chair placed at the center, just below a huge chandelier. The floor was made of marble and was old and dusty. There were various statues all around. He listened to a classical piano piece as he looked at his wine glass.

'Twenty two years ago, when I was 13, my sister promised me that I would inherit Belleneé. I was the rightful heir of the company. It was mine! Until he came. He took away everything. My position, my status as the only genius in the entire Hiomi family. He was still a brat but he was such a handful! He was arrogant and rebellious.

But I could never point out a flaw in his work. Nevertheless, I was still better than him! I was much better looking, strong and smart. I was perfect but she still chose him! Even when she knew that he wasn't her own blood, she chose him and not me!'