

My Debut And Then You

/"I'm not your enemy, Vivian. I know you love singing and you can sing. Sing for me, from now till the end of eternity, when we grow old, sing for me./" He smiled.

/"That's not the point. I want to reach a lot of people, I want to bring them smiles. I want to be remembered./"

/"Am I... Not enough?/" He asked as he looked into her eyes.

/"No. No, you're not/" He took a deep breath.

/"Vivian, I think you don't get it/" He sounded colder /"I don't want you to go. I need you beside me. I'm still—/"

/"It's not like I'll move away from you——/"

/"But you will! You won't notice it initially. And when you do, it'll already be too late. Fame is that glitter, which comes with an expiry date. And once you cross that date, nobody wants you. And the people who you want, will already be too far to ever reach again. I don't want that. Don't leave me, Vivian./"