

My Debut And Then You

/"But, I don't want you to go/" He held her hand /"We are enough, Vivian,/"

She left his hand and walked towards the kitchen /"I'll lay down the food/" She said. Ethan looked at her.


The next day, training commenced. Vivian was taught about scales, octaves and various singing techniques. Apart from that, she was taught how to dance and was put on a strict diet by a dietician. After training, she was free to go anywhere she liked. She'd spend the day training and spend the night at home, with Ethan.

They worked on everything—— From voice to visuals. She would practice day in and day out—— Dancing with heels, and it was not the ballroom dancing she was learning but hip hop dance.

/"This is going smoothly. But at this rate, you'll take about six months to perfect your skills/" Sejok said.

/"Can't it be faster?/" She asked.