

Kirito squirmed in his sleep. He was perspiring heavily and was extremely uncomfortable under the blanket.

/"You psychopath!/"

/"I prefer creative/"

He opened his eyes and all of a sudden got up. He was wet with sweat and his head was spinning. He fell back on the bed and looked overhead.

/"Great, I can't sleep now. At this rate, I'll go mad/"

He tucked his knees into his stomach and curled his back. He clenched his arms and dug his face into the pillow. He moved into every position he could think of but it was all vile effort.

/"Alright, I can't sleep./" He got up. Vivian was asleep on the sofa. He walked towards the fridge and searched for a beer can.

/"We are out of beer. I'll just get some more./" He said as he moved towards the entrance and tucked his shoes. He walked out of the apartment. The streets were empty and dim lit by the street lights. It was quiet and still.