

/"Then you're just handsome/"

'Should I tell her? That my mind is fighting a body that is trying to kill it? My mind is in ruins and I've got a garden to keep.'

/"Hey,/" Vivian got up and sat on the sofa. Kirito looked up at her as he sat on the carpet. She pressed his cheeks with her thumb

/"Idiot loves you, okay?/"

He looked at her.

'Something has changed

I can't...

I can't change it back...And surprisingly, I don't want to.'

/"I was a mistake,/" Kirito finally spoke out. Finally, he broke down that smile which was a dam to the troubled waters of his soul. Vivian took a deep breath as she looked at him.

/"Tell me about it/"

/"I can't tell you. I promised I would never/"

/"To whom?/"

/"I can't tell you/"
