

/"No./" He grabbed the scissors from her.

/"I will do it!/" She rebounded back and pulled the scissors from him.

/"Go away!/"

/"I won't!/"

/"What's into you suddenly? You were so reluctant to cut my hair and now you're all excited!/" He shouted.

/"Yes! Because I can feel it!/" She shouted.

/"What can you feel?!/" He shouted back.

/"You/" She said as she looked into his eyes. He immediately looked away and gulped his saliva. She got closer to his face as he moved away slowly.

/"What do you want?/" He asked while looking at the wall, when her face was about an inch away from his face. /"I will cut your hair/"

/"No!/" He looked at her and their eyes met. She looked deep into his eyes until he finally closed his eyes and took a breath. He pressed his hands on her shoulders and gently pushed her away.

/"Okay, I lose. Here, cut them/"

/"Yay!/" She brought the scissors close to his bangs.