

Why did I have everything taken away from me? They took everything and left me with money—— but money won't find my lost self.

I can't speak it. And I was aware, I must not. But, I don't know what happened in that moment, I felt so free and it just slipped. What have I done? It's reversing back——this woman is destroying everything I've worked so hard to build.'

Vivian pressed a band—aid on the cut over his cheek. He moved away.

/"Let me help you, Hiomi/"

/"You can't. How can you treat me when you're the disease I'm suffering from?/"

/"Kirito.../" Vivian said, sadly.

/"Remember what I said when you first tried getting close to me? I said you are only a tool for me, and that I need you for living in all this luxury. But it's turning out to be a prison to my soul where I am the prisoner and the jailer/" Kirito pressed his back against the glass door of the balcony and felt a lump in his throat. Vivian just stared at him.