

Kirito slowly opened his eyes as sunlight fell gently on his eyelids. He looked at Vivian, sleeping beneath him, leaning on the glass door. He got up and rubbed his eyes. He felt the band—aid on his cheeks. He looked at her as the sunlight struck the window pane and lit up her hair.

/"So, you won't hate me, huh./" He sat in front of her /"Anyways,/" He pressed his arms on the glass window /"Thank you for listening to me when no one else did./"

'I feel strangely light today. Like, everything is cleaned up after a rainstorm' He thought as he looked up at the sky.

/"Must be the weather/" He said to himself. He heard his phone buzz and picked it up. He found Erika's texts.

'Let's meet up today. My treat. I'll listen to everything you've got to say'