

She didn't notice him until he gave a little cough and got inside the dining room. /"Oh! You're back, Hiomi. I baked fish cake today. Sit down, I'll lay the dinner/"

/"Why didn't you sleep yet?/" He asked.

/"You are working hard, good food is the least you deserve./" She opened the oven.

/"Good, it's still hot. I'll just serve it/" She placed the food on a plate.

/"Why don't you take a bath, you must be exhausted/"

/"Nah! I'll just eat. I'm very hungry/" He sat at the dining table.

/"Alright/" She placed the plate right before him with a glass of a light green drink before him.

/"What's this?/" Kirito asked.

/"It's a watermelon mocktail. I learned how to make this when I was seventeen because I used to drink a lot and I couldn't hold my liquor!/" Vivian said.

/"Oh, yeah you still drink a lot/"

/"No I don't!/" Vivian shouted /"It's been so many months since I last drank anything!/"