

/"I'm afraid I can give you everything but that/" Jericho smiled.

/"Bastard!/" The guy holding his collar said as he punched Jericho and he fell on the ground.

/"Give that shit here!/" He tried snatching out the choker from his neck. /"

Wow! It's pure metal! It'll fetch us a good price/"

/"This thing isn't for you guys. You need to grow up for this/" Jericho held his hand but that guy pushed his hand away and tried pulling out the choker from his neck.

/"How have you put this on? You shitheads, help me!/" He shouted. They all pulled together but it didn't move an inch. /"This is actually a good massage. Hey you, pull harder./" Jericho lay relaxed on the ground.

/"Man, what the— This dude is weird!/"

/"Shoulders next/"

Suddenly, the book's brown and old cover had a golden clock drawn on it which started ringing like a huge church bell and started glowing.