

Kirito sneezed and blew his nose with a tissue paper. /"Seriously, why would you go out in the rain after having a hot shower? You're so stupid!/" Vivian pressed a wet towel on his forehead. He ignored her and dialed a number on his phone /"Dad,/"

/"Sick again?/"


/"You know, I think you're acting sick because you want to spend more time with your wife~/"

/"What the fuck are you saying?/" He pressed his temples.

/"So, when can I expect my grandchildren?/"

/"Never. Listen dad,/"

/"Yeah, I'll take over/"


/"But the grandchildren——/"

/"Bye dad./" Kirito hung up. Vivian made some chicken soup and brought it to the bed.

/"Eat up/"

/"Idiot, I'm sick/"

/"I don't think the throat chokes when you're sick/"

/"No... F—.../" Kirito looked at her. /"F—...Fee— Fuck you, give it here!/" He grabbed the bowl.