

Really Bad

/"Vivian, what's wrong with you? You were never like this before——/"

/"Because then I had no experience. Experience is... a wonderful thing; it enables us to recognise a mistake every time we repeat it. I can't live like this anymore. Don't renew our contract... I won't be able to sing anymore.../"

/"Okay. At least come today, Vivian. I told them you'd come, so one last time listen to me/" He said with a smile.

/"... One last time/" She said and he smiled /"Thank you. Now dress up/"

'You want to use me, till the very end, huh...' She thought as she walked away and looked at her clothes. She wore jeans and a sweater /"Let's go/" She said as she came out of the room.

/"You're not gonna put up any makeup?/"

/"No, I'm fine——/"

/"No, I'm telling you. Go, put some. Look presentable. And wear proper clothes/" He said. She turned back /"Vivian/" He said and she looked at him /"Don't fade/"