

/"That's not something new/" He said as he took another bite of the bread. /"Well, she blew up at a party. Omg— That was so lit! She's my idol now!!/" Maya said.

/"Blew up?/"

/"I'll show you/" Maya said as she switched on the TV and turned to the news channel. It was literally everywhere on the Internet.

/"Today's hottest celebrity reveals to us maybe the most shocking secrets of the entertainment industry/"

/"Millions of people love me, huh! It won't take long for them to hate me after this.I don't want that love! I don't deserve this cheap love. I've deserved Ethan! Goodbye—— to you and this industry. Now I know what I deserve/" Vivian shouted on the TV.

/"This could be one of the biggest revolutions the entertainment industry has ever faced. Many of the sites are crashing because of all the uproar it has caused/"