

I Shall Die With You

/"Oh that's just a mother's love. You know love is blind/" He said with a smile.

/"Yes, but hate isn't/" Kirito said. /"What?/" Kurosawa said. Kirito turned back with a smile /"Mom...Hates you, doesn't she?/"

Kurosawa was speechless /"My advice is/" Kirito said as he looked into the mirror /"Get another woman/"

/"... How could you even think that?/" Kurosawa said /"Why? She's gonna die anyways/" Kirito said.

/"I'll save her! I don't need your help! I will save her by myself!/"

/"Good/" Kurosawa went home and told his wife that they would be leaving for the U.S the following day to start her treatment.

/"But the money?/" She asked /"I'll take a loan. We'll get you back to good health. That's our priority/" He said with a smile as he pressed his hand on her face. /"Sleep/" He said and left the room.