

Who Can Save Us?

As Kurosawa got up, Lucus raised his hand while holding his Antabulam in it. /"The reaper's pride— Come forth my scythe!/" He said but nothing happened. Fate looked at him with surprise. He looked at his Antabulam.

/"Why isn't it working?/" Lucus said and Kurosava started laughing like a madman.

/"Ahahaha!!/" He laughed for a minute continuously as everyone stared at him /"That's right... I couldn't die. And how could I? Everything I wanted could not be mine and above that—— I even lost what I had! And you know who is responsible for that—— You! Ethan Evaganza! I was always more talented but I was never given what I deserved!

People were always unfair with me! Such people who cannot respect art and talent deserve no place in this beautifully rotten world! They must be killed for better people to take their place! You were no better but my own sister betrayed me over you!