

Who Can Save Us?


/"Don't hurt my father!/" She said as she stood between Kurosawa and Lucus. Lucus looked at her with surprise and so did Ethan.

/"Vivian.../" Lucus said and Vivian turned towards him. She hugged him gently /"I know you can defeat him. Your powers are infinite. Please, make the first snow hit the ground, papa/"

As the Antabulam stopped burning, so did Death. She pressed her hands on his cheeks /"You share my heart. Blood still runs within us. You breathe too. You are alive. You are beautiful. I have a wish, Death/"

/"What is that?/"

She reached his ear and whispered


Kurosava looked at Vivian and almost reached her neck /"You just have to come between everything!/"

/"Vivian!/" Ethan shouted. A tear dropped from Lucus' eye /"Your wish... Will be granted..../"