

/"What an elderly can see, even if a child climbs up a mountain, he or she may not see it/"

Have patience in all you do.


We get home after spending like an hour from our original time. I walk out of the car and met annur as he intertwines our hands and lead me inside. I am still frightened from the previous scene but I put on a good face and keep it down.

We walk inside the house to see decorations and the place lifted with life, people and glamour. My face brighten as I look up to see annur smile at me.

Oh my God all these for me?

/"What took you guys so long? We've been waiting for like forever,/" Faiza say breaking our gaze.

/"Um../" I search for what to say but no avail, finally Annur rescues me

/"We had to branch somewhere and don't even ask where,/" Annur speak being serious. I guess he really didn't want anyone knowing.