

/"Really?/" She teases

/"Yes really./" I tell her while we chuckle. That's why I love haleema. she's so simple and understanding her husband is extremely lucky to have her although I haven't gotten the opportunity to meet him but she has told me so much about him.

His curly hair, his perfected teeth, his masculine jaw and that she really likes him. I just want her to be happy.

I leave haleema and proceed to to gift compartment to be greeted with loads of gifts that are staying there. My lips forms a smile and I am very happy, at least this night isn't so bad after all.

I enjoyed the party with my husband, best friend, friends, family and everyone and it was wonderful.

The party is over and everyone leaves wishing me happy birthday again as an overwhelming feeling fills me up.

I go back to the rest of my family and sit beside my husband happily as he lays me on his chest.