

/"Hatina where's my shoe, my purse, my necklace I can't find any, hatina please help, I can't go out looking like this.... I./"

/"Haleema calm down, they are right here on the bed, you're just being nervous, take a deep breath./"

Haleema is panicking which she normally doesn't, I've never seen her like this except in 5th grade when she had to audition for a speech and she panicked so much that she almost fainted.

/"Okay I'll, I'll,/" She says calming down.

/"Good, now wear all these so the make up artist can do her job./" I tell her as I also need to get dressed . I thought if I had enough rest I'll be okay but it doesn't seem that way, I'm still feeling the same pain in my head and feeling all sore.

/"Okay,/" She says as she does all that while I go out to pick some of my things. Getting out of the door I'm meeting face to face with Annur at the door.