

/"You don't need to stress yourself. The waitress will bring it. They already are,/" He speaks pulling me back.

/"No, let me get it. I'll be right back okay?/" I put my hands on his chest as he nods. I take my legs to where the food are being served and having being the bride's maid of honor, I get it immediately with them apologizing that it was a bit slow.

Haleeema didn't want a big wedding as she said it was uncalled for. I protested but at the end of the day, it is her wedding. I speak with their catering boss, as they apologize while they reverse their mistakes, meanwhile I take the food back to my husband when I begin to feel dizzy.

/"Here it is,/" I say giving it to him as I get back and place it on the table.

/"Thank you babe, come and sit with me./" He brings me closer to his chest. /"How are you feeling?/" I told Annur how I've been feeling for a while and he kept on insisting for me to get to the hospital, but I refused.