

Before I got married to her my only aim was to make her suffer and to bring hani back to me, but then there was just something that changed my thinking after what dad said. She was different, hatina is sweet, loving, kind and have this aura around her that makes me feel at home when ever.

Even when we got married and right before we did, I expected her to be rude, aggressive to me, hate me and even if she did not want to marry me, she did because of her parents. She sacrificed her own happiness for her parents, which woman does that now a days? Especially when it comes to marriage, upon that she acted the way a good wife should and after then, should I have thrown her away and treated her like garbage? No. I don't know what's gonna happen now but I'll fix it no matter what, I'll get her back.

/"Yeah whatever, but you can't just leave me here,/" hani says. /"Watch me./" I tell her one last time.