

/"Subhanalah I'll never do that, no matter how upset I am, why will you say that? Why I am upset is because we're married annur, and its.And

it had to be her again the same girl at the restaurant. I want to forgive you and I will but If you want me to forgive you then you have to also make an effort and fix it. /"

/"I want to, I want to fix it./" I say.

/"Cut all contacts with with her and any other more of them/".

/"Fine I'll do that, I'll do it./" I tell her truthfully. See this is why hatina is different, she's matured and always does things gently. If it was any other woman, I'm sure I would have taken a slap by now.


/"I'm I forgiven?/" I ask with pleading eyes. /"Not yet, I must see the improvement./"

/"Okay okay, you will./" I tell her before grabbing her into a hug before taking her to the room. I feel relieve hearing her say that, I don't know